Tuesday, May 6, 2008


"According to Kant, thinking is 'talking with oneself...hence also inwardly listening.' This is exactly what I believe thinking to be. Thinking is no more than talking with yourself in order to find answers for any problem you are facing. Some people even go as far as to argue with themselves over the right decision to make.
I believe that talking to oneself is a perfect example of this; I know that I never see anyone having a two sided conversation with themselves because you can only hear the half that they are conveying verbally. There are definently certain degrees to how much you "talk to yourself." People with a Schizoid Personality Disorder usually have very rich and complex inner lives, they may pay for it with a lack of social relationships, but they are essentially their own best friend.
What is thinking if it's not talking to yourself? Everybody does it, there really is no way to get around it. Thinking is that little voice inside your head that you convey and bounce ideas off.

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